Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Legacy Healing Center Blog
A Letter to Our Legacy Family
Legacy Family and Friends,
We hope this message finds you well and safe. We wanted to take a moment and share with you an update on everything we are doing to protect our entire community. Keeping our patients and staff safe from the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is our primary concern at Legacy Healing Center and Legacy Healing Detox. We are taking every single precaution to mitigate risk and ensure the health and wellness of every member of the Legacy Healing Center family during this time. Safety is in our DNA and built into everything we do. That priority bears repeating especially in the face of the challenge we are facing as a community and a nation. Our medical staff is following every guideline set forth by the CDC and Department of Health.
Legacy Healing is accepting patients to all programs at this time with increased safety precautions. We have implemented a comprehensive COVID-19 control and prevention plan including extensive screening as to who is allowed into our facilities. Legacy Healing’s staff has been educated about monitoring any signs or symptoms and has been trained to report them to our medical team. Upon admission to all levels of care, all clients undergo an evaluation which includes checking their temperature for fever, observation for any coughing, sneezing or respiratory issues, etc, and blood work on a case by case basis.
From a facility standpoint, we have doubled our housekeeping procedures with special attention for infection control. We have substantially increased our sanitary supplies, including disinfectant sprays, antimicrobial wipes, antibacterial soaps, bleach and anything known to kill viruses, germs and bacteria. Every office, facility, room, and housing unit is sprayed down with disinfectant spray at least twice per day. We are taking every single measure to safeguard our community.
Patients are also being educated on infection control procedures such as frequent hand-washing, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching of the face, and keeping a safe distance from others.
These are just a few of the measures we have taken as an agency to ensure the safety of our entire Legacy family.
We at Legacy Healing are ladies and gentlemen, caring for ladies and gentlemen. We will always go above and beyond to ensure the continued wellness of everyone who enters our care. Thank you for trusting us with your loved ones.
Your Legacy Family