6 Daily Practices for Addiction Relapse Prevention
Legacy Healing Center Blog
Following a healthy daily routine can help you avoid relapse
In the early stages of addiction recovery, there is the chance of relapse. Relapse is a gradual process that has various stages and there are many daily practices for addiction relapse prevention that can help individuals cope.
If you or someone you love needs help with addiction, call 954-994-2965 today to speak with a treatment specialist.
Drug addiction relapse prevention plan ideas are some of the main reasons that individuals seek treatment. When one understands certain daily practices for addiction relapse prevention as well as how they can help themselves, they are more likely to stay clean.
Relapse is always possible because addiction is a disease but we’re going to go over some practices that can help individuals through early stages of addiction recovery and beyond.
Whether you are in the early stages of addiction recovery or you have been sober for a while, following a prevention plan to avoid relapse is a great way to maintain a certain level of health as well as sobriety.
Here are our 6 daily practices for addiction relapse prevention:
1. Modify Daily Habits
Although this may seem difficult there are certain changes to daily habits that can be made part of your drug addiction relapse prevention plan in order to avoid relapse. The main habits that should be focused on are the following:
– Getting enough sleep
– Exercising regularly
– Avoiding caffeine
– Going to all sessions related to counseling and therapy
– Watching what you put in your body in regards to food, avoiding carbs and sugars
– Taking prescribed medications
– Avoiding people in places where abuse of substances once took place
– Trying a new hobby
– Never forget to ask for help when needed
2. Practice Being Mindful
Mindfulness should be the main part of the drug addiction relapse prevention plan because it teaches one to live in the moment while letting the rest fade away.
This can also be modified into meditation because of the way it teaches individuals to become more self-aware and therefore deal with stressful, triggering situations. This means that an individual practicing mindfulness should focus on being present in the moment instead of dwelling in the past or the potential future.
3. Recognize Triggers and Warnings
Although this tip can go along with being mindful, understanding warning signs as a part of the daily practices for addiction relapse prevention can save a life.
Triggers normally lead back to experiences and understanding what these triggers are can help individuals stay away from them, staying sober. It’s easy to fall back into old habits and this is where warning signs come into play. Knowing yourself and being able to notice red flags can help individuals get help before it’s too late
4. Allow Others To Help
Although it may be difficult to let others in, involving others can be crucial in creating change. Whether it’s a family member or someone from a support group, having someone hold you accountable can help you in a time of extreme cravings or need. These individuals can be your outlet to get your mind off of the internal struggle and keep you moving forward.
5. Yoga
Yoga is composed of breathing and stretching techniques that can help manage stress and reduce cravings. Yoga is one of the great daily practices for addiction relapse prevention because it not only can be practiced anywhere but can also improve overall health as well as mental health.
6. Keep a Journal
This can be a safe place where sharing information doesn’t have to be aloud or for anyone else to hear. This can be a place to return to when remembering a hard day is necessary or a good moment. Journaling things that are going on in life can help individuals keep going when times get tough. It can also be a great place to write notes and give gratitude to yourself, and others that are helping you along the way.
Don’t fall victim to addiction relapse and reach out to Legacy Healing Center today at 954-994-2965.
At Legacy Healing Center, our approach to recovery is built around a holistic methodology. We look at addiction as a comprehensive issue and offer a complete set of services to heal the physical body, the mind, and the spirit. Combining research-evidenced practices from medicine and psychology, our team of highly trained professionals looks at all aspects of our clients’ lives on an individual basis. Our holistic approach to healing encompasses more than dealing with addiction through primary treatment strategies like therapy and meetings. We offer a full range of services to heal the whole person, body, mind, and spirit.